Attn: Local Business Owners & Marketers who are ready to create ads that generates leads FAST!
Learn My Award-Winning System To Create Social Media Ads That Generates Leads & Sales…In Just 5 Days!
On the first day, we'll discover who you should actually be creating ads for based on your data, as well as creating the right avatars and buyer personas up front. We'll then develop the key aspects and content types that may resonate most with them, and lead them to your product or service.
Without a strong offer and lead generation system, your ads won't succeed. You need several critical pieces in place before you ever create a single ad. Do you have them? Probably not. On day 1, we cover the crucial planning steps that 98% of people get wrong, and what you need to do to put together an ad plan that will consistently & predictably produce results in the form of paying customers! THIS IS EXCITING STUFF!
On day 3, we'll cover the types of ad copy formats you should consider, weigh the pros and cons, and talk about what makes ad copy actually convert. I'll give you some of my best ad copy frameworks to model in your own business!
Day 4: High-Converting Creative
Now that you've learned what copy works well, lets find the right creative to stop the scroll and get your business the attention it deserves! We'll go into all ad creative formats, best practices for each, and what's been working well for us and our clients.
In the final, and most important day, you'll learn how to analyze the ads you've created to see which produced the best results, allowing you to improve and optimize over time. Most importantly, we'll discuss the steps you'll need to have in place in order to turn your leads and sales.
You can have a content marketing strategy that drives sales, but you need a plan, & my help. I help local business owners and marketers get a real ROI.
People are spending more time than ever online...
and when 90% of purchases start online, you know you're missing out.